Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Working on my pitching, Daddy!

These are the moments we live for.

Seth usually goes out like a light after his night bottle. Brent and I have to take turns on who gets to pick Seth up and carry him to bed. It's the best when he just nozzles his head on your shoulder, fast asleep.....without a care in the world. Gotta love being a mom or dad, especially for these moments!!!

Does this pic look familiar???

The 8 ouncer gets Sethie everytime, this time with Daddy. Aawwwwhhh!!!!

Grandma Connie visits

We had a wedding to attend this month (congrats Jon & Stacy Stapel), so Grandma Connie had the honor of being Seth's first babysitter. They spent the weekend together, went for walks in the strollie, and Seth showed Grandma how to work each and every toy she has sent to him. ( that part took a good 5-6 hours). They both enjoyed the visit, and mom and dad got to spend a night out together and even slept in a little the next morning. Thanks Grandma Connie!!

My how time flies!!!!

Still cute as ever, and such a ham in front of the camera!! Sethie is growing up so fast, he'll be a year old June 13th!!!!!

Our little climber..... next stop Mt. Everest!!!!

Daddy travels for work quite a bit these days, and we miss him bunches when he's away. However, Mommy and Seth always manage to find things to do to keep busy. Check out our little climber in the fridge!!! He's looking for the hot sauce!!!